Sunday, October 31, 2004

Go Blue!

Oh yeah, congrats to the Wolverines for pulling out the victory after triple overtime last night against the other school. :)


Going down to get some...

Hi all,

Happy Halloween!

Hope you're having a great weekend. Don't forget to set your clocks :)

So Florida is less than 1 week away! Next Saturday this time Geneman and I should be chilling on the beach or roaming around Ft. Lauderdale. I've got a midterm on Friday, so the trip will be a nice reward for making it through the week :)

So what's been going on this past week...

Friday at work we had our Halloween festivities - It's cool to see that people still dress up for the holidays even though we're in the "working world." Maybe one of these days I'll build up the courage to do so too.

There was a costume contest - But before it, there were free cider and donuts downstairs, right? So I was talking to my coworker over the cube wall and had a brain fart at a very inopportune moment.

So I said, "So L, are you going down to get some..."

And I couldn't think of the next word. I was supposed to say "cider" but I had forgotten for a few seconds. So it ended up sounding all wrong.

Of course my cube neighbors heard, started laughing, and started accusing me of saying it on purpose. Which wouldn't be far from the truth (normally), but I was talking to one of my more wholesome coworkers so I honestly didn't mean for my statement to come across as it did. Oh well. It made for good times.

Let's see, what else...

I'm obviously going to the same chinese restaurant too often, because I'm starting to get the same fortunes in my fortune cookies.

My latest one:
You will be advanced socially, without any special effort.

Maybe one day I'll be able to hang out with the Hilton sisters. :) Of course, just to talk with them about the hotel business, not anything else...


Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Been caught sleeping.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well. Just a quick note before going to bed... (Again I'm trying to get to bed earlier).

Tuesday night's class was brutal. Not only was the lecture long, I was extremely tired. I was fending off sleep. I was battling as much as I could.

Unfortunately I lost.

So as usual, I fell asleep. And started snoring.

My group members told me this - I had no idea. I was a little scared to see if the instructor was going to say anything. She didn't.

Ahh well - I was caught sleeping, and that was that. Busted.


Monday, October 25, 2004

Post office challenge

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

So last week, my cousin bought a CD (she lives in Toronto) and mailed it to me. It was the Canadian release only Live Acoustic EP. By the time it got to my hot little hands, the structural integrity of the package had been severly compromised, and the contents were completely gone.

I ended up receiving a letter size envelope from the post office - Inside, there was what was left of the packaging material, a letter, a form, and a return envelope. The CD was originally shipped in a bubble mailer. You know, one of those heavy duty yellow / brown mailers with the bubble wrap lining?

All I received was the front of the package. Literally, the front panel - and even that was in two pieces. The back of the package was totally gone. The packaging was really filthy, and looked like many many trucks had run it over.

I got a form letter saying that they (the post office) were sorry, and if I wanted them to try and find my stuff, I could detail exactly what it was, and they'd "look" for it in some lost items center. So I filled out their form, and even sent a picture of the album cover. I am not holding my breath, but if they come through, I will continue to rebuild my faith with the US Postal Service.

I guess with all the conveniences of e-mail (e.g., instant delivery, notification of failure) I've been spoiled. And this letter mutliation has happened more than once for me. The time previous to this was when I received half of a letter kept in a plastic bag from the post office. It was a letter written to me by my X - while she was in Mexico. I was really bummed when I got it. I guess the postal service has never been the same way to me since.

But I have to admit, this type of thing doesn't happen to me too often. Just when it does, all of the great things you feel about the post office go away. I was totally diggin them when they kep their office open until 7:00 p.m.! Now I don't have to rush out during lunch - I can just go after work...

Anyway, so I mailed out my "please do a search for me" form today. We'll see if I get any results.


Saturday, October 23, 2004

The mystery of golf ball sized hail.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this weekend. Saturday's almost over. A tad cold outside too, but not too bad.

Let's see, what's been going on this week.

I learned that it's hard to buy clothes for someone that you don't know well. I like to buy clothes for people that I know. I secretly think I have good taste :)

But I did't realize that I didn't know this particular person well until I walked out of the store with my purchases. Hmmm. Oh well, you gotta take a chance once in a while, right?

Besides, they'll make very fancy rags.

Let's see, what else has been going on... I was talking to my penpal in Vancouver today - she was saying that it was hailing outside. Hail is an interesting thing. I'm sure I've remarked it before, but I really want to see golf ball sized hail. I've only seen tiny hail. Nothing to write home about.

But then again, I guess if I did see golfball sized hail, then I'd probably be worried about other stuff, like damage to the house or the car :)

Perhaps I'll do a search on the web for pictures of golf ball sized hail.

Tuesday's class was online - So I was lovin' that. I caught up with everything today. At least I'm done for now :)

So at work I had a conversation with coworkers about rap music. And I never claim to be a real critic - just an observer. But you've heard me remark about how rap music seems to be on a decline for subject matter.

The other day, I heard a song about a rapper talking about his white T-shirt. How he likes to do stuff in is white T-shirt. Come on. Talking about one article of clothing and what you do in it constitutes a song?

There's also a guy that sings about being incarcerated.

Or what about that other song where it's about a supposed real "dance move?" Is leaning back really a dance move? We have come a far ways from the Macarena. Now synchronized dancing just means leaning back. We don't need any of those fancy moves that the Hustle or the Macarena made us do. Now we just point one shoulder back and that's that. Call it a day.

What is rap music coming to?

Don't get me wrong, the hooks and beats are definitely catchy - no doubt about that. They stick in your head like bubblegum to asphalt on a hot sunny day. But is lack of skill being masked by catchy hooks and beats? Is that why you should always thank your producer?

I'm guilty of liking commercialized rap music - I'll be the first to admit it. I too have been seduced by a great bassline and a catchy chorus (e.g., Outkast's Hey Ya is a great example). But I think I'm starting to look for more...

The supaflyride is finally fixed. $500.00 later, my car is as good as new. It's been quite the expensive year for the supaflyride. Hopefully I'll be done with repair for a little while.

(knock on wood)

I can't take any more car repair stress. I hate being at the mercy of the car dealerships. I just pretty much give them my credit card and they just charge me whatever they want.

Friday's class was no different than the others. I'm starting to become disheartened by my school career. Every time I visit my Friday class, I feel more lost leaving than when I started class. We're trying to install firewalls and vpn and stuff. And it is a big pain in the arse. Major props to people who do this on a regular basis. Hopefully you got good training :)

Geneman is in Korea right now. Heh. He's pre-travelling and getting ready for Florida in 2 weeks. He'll come back, have a few days to recover and then we'll be off on our postponed vacation that we were supposed to have until Hurricane Ivan came to town. With all this cold weather, the trip to FL will be very welcome.

I'm sure the plane ride to FL will be cake to him after his trip out to Korea.


Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Why do beverages taste better at a coffee shop?

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well. I got a chance to take a break from going to class today cause we are having our session online this week. We have a quiz and stuff so I guess the instructor figured it would be enough time at the computer? I dunno.

So Monday rolls around and I had a crappy start to the week. I was dreading it from the moment I woke up because I had to take my car in, and go beg for mercy from the IS people.

The Supaflyride has a hole in the exhaust (the frontpipe). And normally I'd probably just ignore it, but the exhaust is really really stinky. We're talking car from the 1980s hoopty stinky. Like it wouldn't pass emissions stinky. So I was starting to get concerned because when the car is stopped at a light, I could smell the exhaust in the car (when I had my windows down). I figured I should get it fixed before winter comes - Just in case...

I ended up getting to work around 9:00 a.m. And then I had to grovel and call the IS people to have them help me. Like I was saying in the previous blog entry - This thing was thoroughly wacked. I'm talking can't even boot into safe mode or previous known good configuration. All because I wanted to hook up my network card. Grrr.

Luckily, the lady that I talked to was cool and just asked me to bring it in. So that was cool.

But I was still grumpy from the estimate for the car repairs. At least the parts are ordered, and I will be able to get my exhaust problem fixed (hopefully within the week). So we'll see.

I ended up getting my laptop back the same day (Monday afternoon). Unfortunately, I hadn't answered email for 3 days, so I figured it would be a good time to go home and try the VPN software at home. With a little finagling and a call to our support people, I was cruising along and checking my e-mail - just like I were at the office. It's going to be kickass for those snow days :)

Speaking of PC's and stuff - Is it just me, or has the Service Pack 2 for XP completely slowed down your machine too? Does SP really stand for Serivice Pack or Slower Please?

So I've been feeling cold as of late - So I've got on sweatpants, a sweatshirt, t shirt, and socks on.

And I'm still cold.

I may have to bring out the goose down comforter early this year.

So I decided to poke around the kitchen to see if there was anything good. And I came across a Tazo teabag that I had gotten from the Man's coffee store. There's nothing like a good cup of tea when you're feeling cold. I'm having Tazo's Calm tea.

But you know what? It's just not the same as sitting in a coffee shop on a comfy, royal purple couch and just lounging.

I'm all about the experience.

Don't get me wrong - I am more comfortable clothes-wise at home. but there's something about the coffee smell, the hanging halogen lights, the sound of the machines, and the look of the bold wall colors.

I did however, save myself 2 bucks :)

Let's see, what else has been going on. I love the fact that the Post offices around me are open later (like till 7:00 p.m.). I was able to ship some stuff to my penpal without having to rush around after work. Very cool.

One of these days I have to get my license renewed too. That will be fun.



Sunday, October 17, 2004

I want to be that guy.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

It's been quite an interesting week. First I'll bitch about school again: We had a quiz on Friday. I did not do well. It's probably the worst exam score I've gotten in my grad career there. Grrr. I think I need to get back on track again. I've been seriously slacking. Big time.

I'll have to start tomorrow because I haven't done anything school related at all besides answer cheesy discussion questions on the class message boards.

Ahh well. So onto other stuff.

I spent Thursday and Friday with no laptop. I turned in my machine to get it "reimaged." A one day process that turned in to two (due to complications). It's crazy how much extra focus time you have to work on stuff when you aren't busy answering e-mails. Seriously. Without all the crappy interruptions, I was able to get a fair amount of work done on Friday.

I guess I never realized how much time is actually spent on answering e-mails to people at work.

But something went terribly wrong this weekend while I was trying to install the wireless card on my work laptop.

Now it's thoroughly wacked.

I don't really know what I did. I just tried to install the wireless card. Honest.

So now I have to go back to the IS people and beg for mercy. That will not be fun.

Today while I was driving to the city home, there was a couple walking out to their car parked in front of the model home.

It was a magic BMW 3 series coupe. The guy driving it looked very smug walking out to the car. I was jealous.

I wanted to be that guy.

Why can't it be me?


Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Hey you, what's that sound?

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening. Just a short note before going to bed.

So everytime I hear that new Eminem song on the radio, I purposely switch the station. Not because I don't like the song, but I figure if I ration my listens, I won't get sick of the song super fast. Especially since the radio stations are already playing it to death. I hear it 2x a day on my travel to and from work.

So I just don't get the weird Pee Wee Herman sound clip that they play during the song. I get the Lose it part, but it's such an odd clip. And you can't really sing along to it either. But that sound - I can't even imagine how you'd make it.

Not that I've secretly tried.

But like when people are at the clubs and whatnot, do they sing that part when the song's playing? That Un uhh uhh uhh uhh! part? Or do they just let the music play?

I can just picture these gangsta thug life types chillin in the club making the noise.

Un uhh uhh uhh uhh!

(takes sip of Cristal)

Who knows.


P.S. If you're wondering why the first line sounds familiar, it's actually taken from a 90s rap tune. Know what it is? Give up?

It's Skee-Lo's only hit song "I Wish".

Major bonus points if you know that one :)

Monday, October 11, 2004

It's been a banner day for avoiding homework.

Hi all,

It's me again.

I've successfully dodged doing any type of school work for at least 10 hours now. I need to do at least some studying for my quiz on Friday.


I was a little bored, but I managed to blog, catch up on some old e-mails that I've been neglecting, played some Playstation, watch a lot of tv, eaten lots of snacks, taken a nap, and now back to blogging again.

In my lowest point of the day, I even looked at other degree or certifications that the schools around here offer.

I'm crazy and I need to be stopped.

Sooo, I guess I'll go take a shower and then try to do some work. :)


Is the Real World really that real?

Hi all,

Hope you're having a nice Columbus Day. So far, mine has been quite nice.

I woke up to some random phone calls this morning - after the 2nd one, I couldn't go back to sleep. So I just stayed in bed and relaxed. So I turned on the TV to see what was on. I ended up watching a good 2 or 3 hours of the current season's Real World. I started watching in the middle of either the first episode or the second one. I haven't stayed in bed to watch tv since I started school, I think. It was super nice. And best of all, it was a RW marathon, so one episode just continued after the other. I kind of like watching shows after the fact - you don't have to wait a week to pass before you find out what happens :)

So I know the real world is some twisted form of MTV reality. Which is fine. You take it for what it is, right? I can't really remember which season I saw last. Or where they were. Oh, I think it was the one with that Mormon lady with the big teeth.

Anyway, so I kinda like the Melanie character. Not sure why - Too bad she's not on the camera more often.

On to more Columbus Day fun.


Saturday, October 09, 2004

Don't hate the playa. Hate the game that I don't play.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well and are having a nice weekend. Especially when it's a 3 day weekend! Woo hoo! Thanks Columbus.

So let's see, what's been going on...

Tuesday was another brutal class. Our instructor assigned us 10 minute presentations. Groups range from 5 to 6 people. We had a group of 5 so we figured 2 mins per person, right? I felt bad for the groups with 6 people.

But the horror started with the first group when their presentation took over 20 minutes. Seriously. Hmmm.

Ours was one of the shortest at less than 15 minuntes. Just for the record, my part of the presentation was 2 minutes +/- 10 seconds. I had practiced it all Monday night.

So, 2.5 hours later, the six presentations were done. Can you believe that shit? 2.5 freakin hours to do six "10 minute" presentations. Of course there were questions too.

I was severely troubled, because the instructor did nothing in regards to time control. Not once did she make reference to people going over their time limits. Nor did she limit the questions asked by the class.

If we had been in the first class I had taken at this school, the instructor would have played the orchestral music (just like during acceptance speeches at the award shows) if you had gone over a minute or two.

S0 2.5 hours without any breaks was truly brutal. We were all pretty ragged after that. But it wasn't over.

We still had lecture.

So, I got home a little bit after 10. Apparently, I hadn't vented enough, because I was a tad edgy at work the next day. I hadn't realized it but I must have still been disturbed from the prior night's activities.

10 minutes, my ass.

Friday's class was less crappy, but crappy nonetheless.

I'm in this weird funk.

I was very unmotivated to go to class on Friday. Like I wanted to skip. But I didn't.

I'm not sure if I've been sick or something, but I've been rather tired as of late. I thought I had been sleeping well, but I've been tired every day this week. And grouchy too.

So today, I tried to catch up on my sleep - I slept in until 11:30 ish. And have been doing homework off and on ever since. I'm finally done, so I am going to take it easy the rest of the night. I feel like such a pimp answering discussion questions and writing a blog entry on a Saturday night.

Watch out, young ladies.

So what to do this weekend, what to do...


Monday, October 04, 2004

The lounge pants are out.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well on this chilly evening.

On the news tonight the weather forecasters said that there was going to be a freeze / frost advisory. It sure as hell feels like it :)

I changed into my house shorts after work and it was pretty cold.

After my shower I brought out the lounge pants. I couldn't bring myself to wear my sweats or the fleece lined sporty spice pants yet. Still holding out.

There's another blanket on the bed now too. Still holding back on the down comforter as well.

Tonight I pretty much prepared for my portion of a 10 minute presentation for tomorrow's class. Should be fun.

Or something.


Community dessert - seriously.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well and you had a nice weekend. It's been nice, but it's definitely getting colder. Fall is definitely here, and I'm sure happy winter is coming around the corner.

My dad went back to the homeland today. And I was thinking that I'd be back at the airport in a little bit over a month as well. Florida is a month and 3 days away... I'm sure it'll be nice to get away from the cold.

So what's been going on...

Having class on Friday nights is going to shorten my lifespan.

Fridays used to be kickass. Jeans day, being across the street in the other office, every other week a payday, going out to lunch, etc. Come 5ish, I'd get ready to go home and that was that. Taking it easy the rest of the night.

Now I have to get out a little bit earlier, and rush home to get to class on time. Lovely. So get this - We are pretty much the only class in the building. They keep it open for one class. Can you believe it? Oh and for the people that want to meet with their group projects and use the computer lab.

It's Friday night - Are people really going to be going to the schol to use the computer lab or work on group projects? Most likely not. But there were a few good academic citizens.

Not that my Friday nights are that exciting. I'm in freakin' class anyway.

Which leads me to my experiences this weekend...

Saturday I got to hang out with a very good friend from High School - M. She was in town with her husband for a college friend's wedding. It was totally great to see her. We went to a cider mill to pick up some stuff, but we ended up just hanging out outside - We were busy catching up and feeding the ducks that lived at the mill.

I only get to see her about once a year, so it's always a treat to see her - I saw her last November at the reunion.

Anyway, she kept on trying to convince me to go out with her and her homies to have dessert. And for some reason, I was really reluctant. Just because I didn't really know these people at all - They were all friends from college. M went to the other school ;)

But M was very persistent, so I gave in and ended up meeting them for dessert at the restaurant where they were eating (I had plans to eat with my parents so I couldn't go to the dinner portion of the evening).

It was very enjoyable having dessert with them - Everyone was really nice. Her homies even invited me over to their house - They were going to sit around a fire pit and drink cider. Which was pretty cool because I've never been around a fire pit in the fall before.

And I love the smell of burning firewood - It just makes me think of fall.

Anyway, so there were 6 people - And everyone wanted to share a dessert. We ended up getting 3 desserts. No big deal right? I was thinking we'd get a bunch of plates, and just pass the desserts around, and just take whatever you wanted right?


It was the funniest thing - Everyone had their own spoon, and we rotated the desserts around the table. Everyone just took a spoon scoop and passed the dessert to the left. Now that's what I call close friends :)

Instead of passing the dutchie, we were passing the dessert on the left hand side.

Anyway, so it was a really unique way of eating dessert, that's for sure. But then the system broke down, and everyone had their favorites.

So the passing just stopped.

M and I got the Key Lime pie. But I whined enough to get some more of the Oreo Brownie Sundae. It was worth the whining.

So at the end of the evening, while driving home, I realized that it had been such a long time since I'd been out socializing, that I'd forgotten how to do so. Like I'd been in my existing friends only comfort zone for so long that I hadn't met anyone new (non work or school related) in the longest time.

When did I become so anti-social?

So on the drive home, I decided that I was going to try and make more of an effort to meet people. Not exactly sure how I'm going to do that yet, but I will.

