Monday, June 28, 2004

School daze.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

Today was the first day of my online class.


There is so much busy work that it would make any teacher proud.

But make students cry.

3 one to two page papers. By next weekend. It's only the first week of class.

Kill me now.


Sunday, June 27, 2004

If you're interested, feel free to view my pictures from our roadtrip to the US Grand Prix in Indianapolis.


Day at the Show

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

It's the last day of vacation. Tomorrow it's back to work, and back to school. And back to bitching about school. :)

This will be my first online course at the school. And I'm dreading it already. Seems like there's weekly busy work, on top of the stuff that I will have to do for the class. Hopefully my other (live) class won't be as painful. It will probably be though. This is rumored to be one of the most difficult semesters.

On my last day of freedom, I went to a ricey car show that was in a nearby city. It was like a scene out of the Fast and the Furious series of movies, just on a smaller scale. Lots of boomin' music, revving of engines, squealing of tires, the smell of gasoline, hydraulics, swank paint jobs, nice vinyl graphics, and of course lizzadies.

My conclusion?

People spend a lot of money on their cars.

I got to see real davin spinning rims, along with some other nice rims (both spinning and non). Got some great pics, going through two digital camera batteries :)

I'll be sure to post the pics later.


Saturday, June 26, 2004

Look! A free boat!

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

Just a few quick notes before going to bed (as usual). I need to get back onto a normal schedule as the vacation is winding down. Plus, as an added bonus, I have to get ready for school shite next week.

OK, let's see, what's on the mind tonite.

The lady on the ebay commercial is cute (the one that sings to (I'm guessing) her husband while she's standing at the bookcase)).

Random, yes. Let's move on.

Today was another picture perfect day. When it wasn't sunny, it was a tad chilly - Had the fleece on today for the first part of the day.

the last weekday of my vacation. What did I do? My mom and I spent part of it inside and part of it outside - At a place none other than the outlet mall up north. Pretty uneventful - Nothing too exciting on the purchase front.

But on the way home, we saw an abandoned pontoon boot on the side of the highway. I couldn't overcome my sudden urge to shout, "Free Boat!" Now if I only had a sport ute... Seriously, it's on the shoulder of southbound I-75. Kind of random. I couldn't really think of a good reason why someone would leave their big boat on the side of the road like that. Just didn't feel like towing it anymore? It's like how sometimes you just see an abandoned shoe on the side of the road. How does that happen?

Mark one up on the mysteries of highway transportation.

What else...

Today I got a chance to walk down the memory lane of my worthless stocks. For the past few years, the stock options people have been sending me statements of my securities from the 2 defunct dot coms where I used to work. So yes, in one account, I have 3 pennies, and the other I have about 60 cents (current market value). And, I still get statements. Two, to be exact. Each is about 2 or 3 pages too.

Today it finally bugged me enough to call and close my accounts. So I made the call...

So here's what I found:
- Both of my stock options accounts were never activated
- Activation takes one day to go through
- I can't close my accounts without actually trading the worthless stocks
- Making a trade will take 3 business days to fully clear
- I will be charged a commission for selling my worthless shares of stock
- One of my worthless stocks is no longer trading and I have to fill out some form to get rid of it and activate the account
- I have a third account that I didn't even know about from my first job

So from my long call what did I do? I closed the account from my first employer that I didn't know I had. Oh yeah, I activated one of my accounts too.

Is it worth the 63 cents? The lazy side of me says just to keep the accounts open and just keep on getting these statements in the mail. The closeted tree hugger in me says that I should stop the madness and stop killing more trees.

Decisions Decisions... I'll try calling next week and I'll get right on filling out that form too.


Thursday, June 24, 2004

Celebrity Musings (part two)

Hi all,

Hope you're having a good day today.

It didn't occur to me until brushing my teeth this morning that I missed the point that I was trying to make from yesterday's blog entry.


OK, so we established radio play is evil and destroys songs, right? So I was wondering. Do music artists listen to the radio? Do they change the channel when they hear their own songs? After the novelty of radio play wears off, of course.

Seriously - You figure a musician must listen to and record their music a bunch of times, in order to get everything perfect, right? You'd think that you would get tired listening to the same track (or parts of it) a billion times.

I can picture it now. Usher's driving around in his G ride with 27 inch spinning rims (that keep spinning everytime he stops), and his song comes on the radio...

Oh no, not this song again (click)

Damn, It's playing on this station too? (click)

Oh wait, that's me. But I bet Usher's the same way.


Celebrity musings and Victoria's Secret mysteries...

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

Got some shopping done today at one of the local shopping areas and the mall. It's been a while since i've been, but once I got there, it was like running into an old friend again. Heh.

So a few things on the mind tonight.

If you listen to the radio a ton like I do, you hear the same songs over and over. To the point where whenever that one song comes on, you automatically switch the station. And it makes you never wnat to buy that artist's album because why would you ever want to listen to that one song ever again? It comes on the radio every 30 minutes anyway. The worst is when that song plays, you switch stations, and it's on that one too.

It started all with Eminem - There was a period of time where I was unable to turn on the radio to listen without hearing one of his songs.

There have been a few others since then. Like 50 Cent - 50 Cent had a stint where he was on the radio all the time too.

Most recently? Usher.

if he's not singing with Lil' Jon about YEAH!, then he's making some sort of Confession, or talking about something Burning.


Don't get me wrong, the songs are good tracks, but they're in such heavy rotation that I'm totally sick of them now. That's 3 songs that I will rarely listen to if I ever buy the album.

what else...

I don't know what it is, but every Victoria's Secret store that I've ever walked by smells heavenly. What is this mysterious scent that leaks out into the main hallway of the mall? I really like it (which means that it's probably working). It's a nice smell, not too offensive. What do I mean by offensive? Walk by one of those "bath and body" stores and you'll know exactly what I mean. I can't walk into one of those stores without getting a headache.

Am I a little biased? Perhaps :)


Monday, June 21, 2004

Day at the races.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening...

Less than one week left before the official start of school. I gotta make these next few days count :)

Today I went through the huge pile of papers that I had been accumulating on the kitchen island for at least 3 months. It's probably been even longer than that, but I'll say 3 so it sounds better :) The pile is smaller, but I have other piles to go through.

I may need a longer vacation.

So the last time I left you, I was going to go out to the legendary Indianapolis Motor Speedway for the United States Grand Prix. It was the first Formula 1 race I've ever been to.

How's that for integrating all the links :)

Anyway, we left Saturday afternoon - I had to go to the school for a bit, but I left after an hour. Drove out to Ann Arbor in the tintmobile. Driving the car with the tint makes me feel different. Llke a rockstar. Heh. OK, maybe not. Anyway, it's weird cause I feel much more "private" in my carspace. Kinda crazy, I know, but it's just different. I'm not totally sure if people can see me or not (I'm sure they can), but the tint adds some sort of mystery, if you will.

Well, at least mystery for me :)

Anyway, I got to Ann Arbor, chilled for a bit and we got going. The ride of choice? Drew's roomate's Matrix. Complete with brand spankin' new car smell.

I make it a special point to bring up the new car smell because the only way I get new car smell nowadays is from a bottle or those air fresheners that look like leaves. Even then, it's never as good as the real deal. So I got to smell this new car for a good 10 hours...

So yes, it was about 5 hours or so each way. It wasn't too brutal.

I had my trusty CD media based mp3 player - used it for most of the trip, and I never had to change the batteries. Just as advertised. The only bummer is that my tape player makes a terrible noise whenever the cassette adaptor into it (so I can play my mp3s through the car stereo - but I found this out on the way home).

Anyway, back to the trip. We drove out, stopping once for a driver switch. That's it. I was pretty much the dead weight in the car - I added no value besides occasional comic relief and carbon dioxide production. I didn't help drive - I just stayed awake when I could, and napped on an as needed basis.

Well, I did help pay for stuff :)

By the time we got to our destination, it was pretty late - Probably like 8 ish. Plus, the fine people of Indiana don't celebrate Daylight Savings Time so the time was all wacked.

We checked into our hotel (and I kind of use the term loosely). It was one of those old skool motels where the rooms each have an outside entrance - Like in the horror movies. Or those sketchy movies where you rent the room for an hour or so... Nevermind - you get the idea. We had this in-window a/c unit that had knobs that turned indiscriminately, so you never really knew what setting you were actually on. Just as long as it wasn't on heat, we were good.

There was an interesting smell in the room too (you know I'm a smell guy). It was like uhh, kinda damp basementy where someone obviously used to smoke. Of course, it was a non-smoking room - The sign on the table said so! :)

The floor of the bathroom was sticky too - too much humidity. Oh yeah, about the bathroom - The toilet and shower/tub was in one room, and then the sink was in the main room. Which is kind of wacky, because there's no counter space in the room with the toilet and shower/tub. (shrug)

Ok, enough about the hotel room.

So afterwards, we had to forage for food - I hadn't eaten since 10 ish, so I was starving. During the entire drive down, the guys were talking and joking around about a certain sit down restaurant that had signs up every 4 or 5 exits.

Know what it is?

If you guessed Cracker Barrel you're right. Oh yeah, speaking of signs, we saw some very odd roadside billboards for an "Adult Toy Superstore" and signs for various "Spas" that were quite sketchy indeed.

So back to the foraging for food - Nothing on the main drag where we were staying looked especially good. So what did we decide on? We drove back two exits to yes, the Cracker Barrel.

I've never been to one before - I guess you could say I'm a Cracker Barrel virgin. I walk inside, expecting a restaurant, right? Well it's a store... So while waiting for our seats, I breezed around the store. While looking at foodstuffs and the wacky "country store" items, I was accosted by a lady with an apple crisp sample.

That had to be one of the best little medicine cups of apple crisp I've ever had. It was a little cup of heaven. Maybe for desert, I was thinking.

Finally our names get called and we walk inside. It's kind of dimly lit, but not to the point where it was weird.

It may be a little psychological, but I think the 3 of us were the only Asian dudes in the entire city - Not Indianapolis, but the little nearby city where we stayed. We travel in packs. :)

anyway, so back to the Cracker Barrel Experience - I'd never eaten at a CB before, so I got the "sampler." The sampler came with their Chicken and Dumplins, meatloaf, sweet smoked ham, and 3 sides. What sides did I choose? Mac and cheese, steak fries, and corn.

I had to add in the corn because I needed some sort of vegetable ;)

Oh yeah, the biscuits and cornbread were also kickass. I swear I've not eaten like this since college - Even then it wasn't all on one plate. And I know everything that I ate (except the corn) was ridiculously bad for me. But it was sooo good. Seriously. If you've never been to a CB before, you have to try it.

The night was ok. There was a loud group of people that had come back from the bar and I swore it sounded like they were in the room with us talking. As an added courtesy, they had to remind us that they had come back as they banged on our window.


So in the morning, we got up pretty early to get breakfast - At none other than Denny's. I had a craving for it since I'd seen all of those commercials on TV. They've all closed up around my area, so it would have been impossible to go to one around here. As usual, the service was really bad, but the food was excellent. Again, really bad for me, but we had to stock up - the race started at noon, and we probably wouldn't be eating until the race was over.

After breakfast we headed to the speedway. Since we were there so early, we got to find some good parking. Kinda like for the Ann Arbor Art Fairs, the locals sell lawn parking (in front of their houses) for 10 to 15 bucks. So, we got to do legal lawn jobs :)

The wacky stuff was that there were tons of ticket scalpers. And I'm not talking just random dudes getting rid of tickets. I'm talking nice permanent signs made, booths set up, etc. I had thought scalping was illegal, but maybe it's not there - I saw scalpers talking to the law enforcement dudes on the side of the road like they were good buddies (shrug).

There was even a booth set up in front of someone's house where it was a one-stop shop of sports jerseys, DVDs (for 5 bucks), ribs, and who knows what else. I even saw Louis Vuitton bags! For shits and giggles, I was tempted to ask how much they, but didn't. Now if they were Burberry's...

wow this is getting long...

OK, so fast forward to the speedway - We were subject to the "high level" bag check. I didn't have much confidence because the guy made me open the top of my bag, peered inside, and that was it. (shrug)

I guess it's normal to get to the race early - We were there around say, 8 or 9isn, and there were tons of people already there. Lots of people had their team gear on - Of course, I was most envious of the bright red Ferrari gear that I saw. Lots of team spirit... I wanted to get my own Ferrari shirt, but I couldn't justify paying more than 20 bucks for a t-shirt, even if it had the prancing horse on it.

We walked around in the infield - Again, lots of people just camped on the side of the track. I'm talking blankets, tents, lawn furniture, you name it. I don't know how early they must have gotten there - Must have been when the track opened.

We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day weatherwise. The sun was out, the temperature was perfect. Blue skies all around.

Let's see, what else... I won't write much about the race because you can read about it...

Oh yeah, F1 engines are pretty loud. Kind of a neat sound, but loud. I was glad that I had my earplugs. If I want to lose my hearing, it'll be over some good music with a good bass line.

The drive back was pretty uneventful - Drew and Steve joked that we'd have to go back to the CB for dinner. Ummm, No.

I had a good salad for dinner. Besides the corn, that was my first real vegetable since probably Friday.

We were all totally exhausted. I think it was a mix of not sleeping that well, dehydration, and just a mix of tiredness from all of the travelling.

All in all, it was a great trip. I can't really complain. If I had to do it all again, I'm not sure if I would or not - The whole race experience was great. The 10 hour travelling time was kind of a downer though.


Friday, June 18, 2004

It may be well to consult others before taking unusual action.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

I'm on the 3rd day of my freedom from school. And I haven't done anything worthy except watch a lot of TV. How sad.

Now I remember why I needed to do school or have an activity outside of work. Otherwise I would have become a huge couch potato with nothing to show for it. Keeping busy is key.

Drew came through with some tickets to a F1 race at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway this weekend - so I'll be going to see my first Formula 1 race. Kinda exciting. I'll be able to see greatness - Some very cool major car makes will be present - Most looking forward to seeing the team with the famous prancing horse.

Woo hoo! It's Friday!


Thursday, June 17, 2004

Now more legal than before.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well. Just a few quick notes before going to bed...

I've watched more TV in the past two days than I have in the past few months. Seriuosly, I must have clocked in about 8 hours from yesterday and today. Kinda sad, I know - but I've just felt the need to veg as of late.

Yesterday I watched Footloose for the first time ever. Well, ok, I didn't watch all of it. I got tired and watched something else. I probably missed the last half hour. It was on VH1 so there were commercials, which made everything worse. I guess I just wasn't that entertained, I guess. The music was cheesy as ever. Maybe I just wasn't in an 80's mood that night.

Today I watched that new Fox show (no, not the Paris Hilton one) but the one with Redman and Methodman moving into the burbs. Amusing, but I don't know if it's going to be a hit or not (shrug).

I also caught two episodes of Sex and the City tonight as well - I used to watch it once in a while when I was travelling, and the hotel would have HBO.

Maybe I'm watching too much TV :) I'm still not used to being able to watch television again (for two weeks) without guilt. Usually I feel like I should be working on schoolwork or something. I still feel that way sometimes.

I'm sure I'll get used to not having schoolwork, and then it'll be time to start up classes again. Doesn't it always happen that way?

I've also started walking on the treadmill - For the first time in what seems like ages. Probably since I've started school. I'm seriously out of shape and I need to start being healthy again.


Tuesday, June 15, 2004


Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

We'll get the boring stuff out of the way first ;) Presentation went well. Hopefully this will be a good semester like it was last term. I am now 1/3 of the way through my degree. I can't wait for it to be over.

Our final presentation went well. I couldn't have asked for anything more. Hopefully, our grade is ok - For our presentation, we decided to do something fun - It was either going to totally bomb, or go over pretty well. hopefully it was the latter. We'll see what the instructor says...

So after class, we went to the local bar. For shits and giggles, I had a drink - The first one in years. We were there for a few hours, hanging out and just chillin.

So I'm getting ready to leave, and I turn on to the main road from the parking lot. As I'm pulling onto the road, I see one of the city's finest in a squad car waiting to turn onto the road as well.

(can you see where this is going)

So the minute I see them, I knew I was going to get pulled over. I just knew it for some reason. So I get out of the inner lane and get into the right hand lane.

I see the headlights get closer, and then it heppened...

The 5-0 turned his lights on.


I pulled into a nearby parking lot and waited for the police dude to show up.

He pulled me over for my neon license plate frame. Alas.

He asked for my driver's license and took it back to his patrol car - What I didn't realize was that another police car had shown up on the scene. There were at least 3 cops. At a traffic stop. For a neon violation. (shrug) Maybe it was a slow night.

So I felt like a criminal. The feeling was prolonged when the police dude made me wait in the car for what seemed like 20 minutes (probably really 5 to 10 minutes).

I was lucky. He let me off with a warning - He told me that I couldn't have the neon on, and I had to disconnect it. I apologized for my wrongdoing :) He gave my driver's license back, and I got the hell outta there.

Alas, the neon frame has been temporarily disconnected. I need to get a switch on that thing...

My first run in with the law since high school. Crazy.


Sunday, June 13, 2004

Come on. how stupid do you think we are? Well, ok maybe a little.

Every so often when I check my spammail (also known as hotmail) I get these banner ads on the right hand margin - The ads display model-esque women that I can supposedly meet on a dating .com site.


Come on, I'm not going to fall for that.

Not yet.


One day away.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well and are having a nice weekend.

I feel like a prisoner waiting for parole.

Monday's the last day of class. Then I'll be free for two weeks. I can't wait.

We finally finsihed our group project in the evening, so now we're just waiting for the big show tomorrow.

Ok ok, maybe it's not as bad as feeling like a prisoner. Maybe like kids waiting for the big class talent show.


Saturday, June 12, 2004

Cha ching!

Woo hoo. I've just been relieved of over 100 bones for next term's classes. Also known as The quater from hell.


You are almost there.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this weekend.

Group project was the name of the game this morning and afternoon. I got home at 6ish - The weather was picture perfect (as opposed to cold and rainy as it has been for the past few days).

So I had to wash the supaflyride / tintmobile. Two-step process was on the manu for today. Because of school, I've completely fallen off the spring / summer schedule of weekly car hand washings and waxings. I know, it sounds excessive, but I love the end result.

Recently, I've been noticing weird spots on the paint, and the paint on the spoiler fading a tad more than usual. So today was a mandatory 2 stepper. Looking much better now.

I snapped some pics of the new tint job, so I'll have to post them somewhere.

So the first line of the blog entry today is what I got as a fortune cookie fortune. Isn't that weird?

To what or where am I almost there?

I figured it meant the end of school, but it could really be anything. A swift kick in the ass, a punch in the face, whatever.

Hopefully it's something good though :)

Behold the mystery of the fortune cookie.


Thursday, June 10, 2004


Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

After waiting almost a year, I finally got around to getting the supaflyride tinted. And it is looking good. I think it's kind of a subtle tint so it makes the car look pretty nice.

Just like when I got my new glasses, I haven't gotten to try out the tint to its full extent - It has rained all day today. And it's not going to let up until the weekend. Blah.

It's Friday tomorrow! And Monday is the last day of class!

I can't wait.


Hand stuck in a Korean car.

Hi all,

Hope you're having a good evening tonight.

I was supposed to work on my take home essay questions for my final, but I ended up spending (wasting) a couple of hours trying to fix the bulb in the soccer mom mobile.

I was pissed. Swearing up a storm.

The worst part of it was that I didn't get it fixed.


I couldn't figure out how to take out the assembly - so I took out another light in the bumper, and was reaching my hand in the side marker light socket to get to the fog light. I'm glad my arms are small.


Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Ugh. Heat.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

Yup, the summer is here. 90 degree temps outside, with humidity turned set to "high." I had to go out this evening to stop by some of the bookstores - Just to see if I could find my textbooks locally (besides the bend you over bookstore at the school).

The online shopping experience wins hands down. It's nutty how much stuff is cheaper online.

Plus you don't have to get off your arse.

Today I had one of those days at work where I don't really know where the time went. The day went by rather quickly, but I don't really have much to show for it.


Monday, June 07, 2004

I have a craving for Toxic Smell.

There are times when you want like a burrito or something from a nice Mexican place. but sometimes you have to go back to basics and have some Taco Bell.

If I want to floss, I've got my own.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

Lotta school stuff's been going on. Haven't had too much time to write.

So let's see, what's been goin on.

When I last left you, I had taken my certification exam - the day of the exam, I had gone to some off site training that ended much later than intended. So I raced all the way to the school at illegal speeds. I had plenty of time, but I was hoping to use the extra time to do some last minute cramming and chill out. I'm usually kind of anxious before big exams like this, so I had planned to get to the test site a little early to "become one" with the test environment - You know, feel the vibe, bask in the aura, whatever ;)

The weather outside was perfect - We studied outside in our cars before the exam. It was sunny and warm, with a gentle breeze.

So about this cert exam. It was all very official and stuff. We're talking designated machines, test proctor, and video camera surveillance behind us while taking the exam. We couldn't even take our own scratch paper in! We got this funny laminated thing to write on with water soluble ink. I even had to ask for "regulation tissue" just in case I had allergy sniffles.

So we're in the first say, 15 minutes of the exam, right? My buddy in the cube over says, "oh NO." About 2 seconds later, you hear the lady in the next room echo, "oh no!" The computer he was working on completely lost power and shut off. Using his newly learned troubleshooting skills, it turns out that the problem was a faulty power cable :)

Kind of nutty, right? We survived though.

This weekend was spent mostly doing school junk. I finished my paper and extra assignments kinda late last night. But I made it. Now I just have to finish up a final project and do the final exam (take home).

This morning I took the semi-annual trip to the dentist. I don't know why I dread it so much. I've been flossing and whatnot pretty regularly now so my teeth should be pretty clean, right? Yes and no. The hygenist still had to do some scraping and use that sonic tool thingy that makes your head rattle.

But yes, like J. Lo, if I want to floss, I've got my own. I got a new pack of swanky floss today.

I will also have to eventually get my wisdom teeth out. Which kind of freaks me out. And why do they call them wisdom teeth anyway?

A few other items of note:

You can now access my blog through my own url! Behold - Thanks to Mark for setting it up for me.

I've also decided to take the whole week of the 21st off. I figured I could use a nice break from school before the semester from hell starts up. Not sure what I'm going to do, but I definitely need to chill a bit. School has truly consumed me this semester (again).


Saturday, June 05, 2004


Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening. Another beautifl day weatherwise.

It's been quite the day. Training in the morning and the certification exam in the afternoon.

My classmate and I took the exam and we both passed. One class down, one more to go. Much to do this weekend - I'll be working on a paper and 2 graphics assignments this weekend. Ir'a going to be rough...

I can't wait for the semester to be over.


Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Latest hobby idea.

I think I may want to try playing guitar when I have more time. Someday.


Deli from heaven.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

I was in training today at an offsite location - For lunch, we had the most kick ass sandwiches. It was sooo good. It has the Kirk Stamp of Approval.

If you're ever in the Farmington Hills, MI area, you must go to Vineyards Deli and try the sandwiches. So good. I had the seafood wrap and it was so tasty.

So let's see - what's been going on...

Still haven't taken the certification exam yet. Still not studying for it very hard... Planning on taking it on Friday.

Was off site all day today so it was a nice break from work.

I'll write more later if I think of anything :)


Tuesday, June 01, 2004

5 nails, 250 bucks later.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening. Just doing a little bit more procrastinating before the good old studying for the exam.

I don't know what the hell I drove over, but over the weekend I took the soccer mom mobile out to run some errands - and the day after, the two passenger tires were flat. Like sitting on the rims flat.

I tried filling them up with air, and instant hissing - quite sad, actually. In an hour or so, it was back to being flat again. Bummer.

So, I took the soccer mom mobile to the tire place early this morning - The front tire had 3 nails in it. The back tire had 2. The thing that really sucked was that the nails were too close to the edge of the tread, so neither could be repaired.

Oh no you din't!

So now the soccer mom mobile's back in action - riding on 7/10 dubs. The tires of choice? Yokohama Avid Touring I'll let you know if they're any good - I did an "extended" test drive and they seem to be good - quieter then the OEM tires but the new ones seem bouncier.

So yes, instead of studying I went for a drive after dinner - Today was one of those perfect spring evenings - Not too hot, not too cold. Light breeze - perfect. Can't complain.

I drove around for an hour or so. Loved it.

Back to the books, I suppose.
