It's the end of the month already?
Hi all,
Hope you're doing well...
I can't believe it's the end of the month already. I'm usually pretty good about keeping up on that kind of stuff - cause all of my bills are due at the beginning of the month. I'm glad I caught it now or else I'd get beat with penalties.
I was telling Brizzai that school is still getting to me. I don't know if I can take this for 2 years. I am still not able to strike that delicate balance. I always feel like I have to do something. Read, research, group work, study, blah. I joked that I was probably going to be grouchy for the next two years.
One thing though, is that I have to give the nod to those that are working full time, going to school and raising a family. That is freakin' amazing. I bow down to to you. I should quit my bitching, I know.
But I haven't played my PS2 what seems like an eternity. I'm dying here.
At work today we had a definite Friday moment. But it was only Thursday :) It's been that kind of week, trust me.
You know what I mean. The kind of behaviour that only happens on Fridays. Everyone's a little loosened up, ready for the weekend, in their jeans day gear. We're a little bit goofier, a little bit more slap happy.
Towards the end of the day we were really losing it.
I wonder what tomorrow will hold...
P.S. Today I was jamming to some Marvin Gaye and Al Green. Such good music. Love those guys. You should too.