Hi all,
Hope you're doing well on this fine Saturday.
Days go by and I have no idea what I've been doing. I don't know what it is.
On a better note, I've been sleeping well at night - haven't been getting up 3 times a night like I usually do.
(knock on wood)I've been managing to get to sleep before midnight as of late too. So that's been just groovy.
So what's been going on this week...
Monday's class was ok - I got to see a glimpse of what I can do if I get tired of working with technology. We had a guest speaker come in and talk to us. He was a information security guy turned real estate office dude. Kind of interesting.
But it's nice to know that there's other career paths you can take and still apply what you've learned in your tech field.
2 weeks left of the semester. That means finals and the final project. 2 weeks left.
During the week I found my one beef with
Target - Their pharmacy is not open late enough. It closes at like 7 (around me). Which kind of blows, especially when I get out of work at like 6. I would have to haul ass over there because of travel time and the requisite 15 to 20 minutes that they always make you wait.
So mark one up for the local one-stop shop,
Meijer, where the pharmacy closes at 9.
We've had overnight snow for the past couple of days - just like an inch or two. Since it's been light, I've been going old skool and trying to shovel shovel (as opposed to using the snowblower). I must say, going manual isn't so bad.
Again, it's that shoveling is enjoyable when you're not in a hurry mentality.Anyway, I'm trying to think of anything else that's noteworthy...
Come on spring, come on!I long for the days when it's warm enough to thoroughly clean out my car. It doesn't have to be hot - I'll settle for warm-ish weather. When my car can shed it's salty sheen and its true colors can show through.
Plus the inside is filthy.I also caught a great
Amazon.com promotion on dress shirts this week. I'm really digin' them - A little thinner than I expected, but they'll be good summer shirts. But now I want to go to the next level.
French cuffs.Not that I'd ever
need a shirt with cuffs. But it's the latest line item addition to my list of things to get sometime in the near future.
It would clearly be on my path to becoming the Man.-Kirk