Thursday, September 30, 2004


Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

Djibouti was one of the topics of work conversation today. It's this little country in Africa I remember learning about when we were studying geography back in tha day. I still remember the assignment. We were supposed to recreate a map of Africa on a piece of paper with a grid on it.

I remember reading the country name and thinking it was very funny. It was even funnier when I found out how it's pronounced.

And for some reason, while we were talking, Djibouti came up. We were talking about websites or something. (work related, of course) ;)

Quite random.

Brian was confused at first, because he thought I was making a referenc to something else...

And it's hard to say Djibouti without cracking a smile. :) (Just in case you don't know how it's pronounced you can hear it here - click on the red speaker next to the work)


Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Hi all,

Hope you're doing well.

The first week of classes is done. I never thought I'd say this, but I kind of miss my online class now :) Class on Tuesday was brutal. It took a long long time.


So I was thinking today at lunch that I could never go on a low carb diet. Similar to how I could never be a true vegetarian.

For lunch, I had:
- A plain bagel with cream cheese
- Fried rice with some sort of sauce

I had a gel fruit cup thing and an fruit and oatmeal bar too. But I know my meal was a carb counter's worst nightmare.

So back to how I could never do the low carb thing. I just don't think I could give it up. Just like I really can't give up meat.

Walking by a bakery or seeing baked goods would make me weak and break down. Walking by the local burger joint would break me as well.

And what is the deal with carb safe and the color blue? Just like why was green the symbol of heathy / low fat stuff in the 90s?

The wonders of marketing.


Monday, September 27, 2004

Vacation glow.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

Another perfect day. Perfect convertible weather in the afternoon. It was odd this morning though - I had to bring out the good ol fleece jacket. So I felt dorky walking out of the building today with a jacket in hand. It's like walking around in the middle of summer with a winter jacket in your hand. Just goofy looking.

So it was nice to drive home today - Had the windows down, and the stereo turned up. It was perfect convertible weather (if I had one).

My latest music craze came from a video that I caught on one of the media player sites: Joss Stone

She is good stuff. I like her sound. Some tracks are funky and some just have a lot of soul. Gotta have a listen. It's a nice departure of what I've been listening to recently.

So today I was back at work after a 1 week hiatus. the only bummer was having to wake up early. But besides that, I definitely felt better going into work. I was much more relaxed

I guess I never realized how burnt out I was from work until I took a break from it.

One of my coworkers said that I looked more relaxed. I don't know if it was placebo or what. But I'll take that compliment :)

I honestly did feel more relaxed though. And unlike short extended weekends, my vacation glow didn't shut off 2 hours into the work day.

I am still feeling pretty good.

I was fortunate to have a fairly light schedule, so I was able to get caught up and get some other stuff done. Hopefully I can still maintain this semi-relaxed state for a little while longer :)

I am all about the week long vacation now :)


Saturday, September 25, 2004

Half of one, half of the other?

Is it just me or is there something odd about an artist who comes out with a Greatest Hits disc after just two regular CD releases?

So what exactly goes on the greatest hits album? Granted, maybe one or 2 "previously unreleased" tracks, but then what else is left? Parts of the other two albums, right?

Doesn't that hurt record sales of the original releases?

Where the tracks are now labeled as "not the greatest hits?"


Fall cleaning.

Hey all,

I got crazy today and decided to clean out the good old inbox.

I deleted about 800 messages.

Poof. All gone. Hope I don't need any of it ;) I am the model of bad e-mail management.


Friday, September 24, 2004

The whole nightmare, except the naked part.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening...

The weather's been really nice. Not typical fall weather, but it's been nice. Like an extension of summer. The last minute kind.

So here's what happened today.

Never a dull moment.

I had dinner with my parental units and was watching a little Friends afterwards. Nothing out of the ordinary right? Kickin' back, enjoying the last few days of my vacation. If I was a gangsta I would have been cracking open the case of 40 ouncers.

Next thing ya know, the cell phone rings...

It's one of my buddies from school, asking me what happened to me and where I was.

School was in session.

For some reason, I had thought school started next week. So like the nighmare that every kid has about the first day of school. Getting there late, being totally unprepared, not knowing where the classroom was, and showing up naked.

Everything that students fear on the first day of school happened, except being naked - I was an hour and a half late. I was totally unprepared. Before leaving the house I grabbed some printer paper to take notes on (I had no idea where my folder was). My book was stuck in snail mail land for delivery. I tried to sneak into the classroom with stealth and just sat down at the first open computer station.

For once, I was that guy.

Don't be that guy.

Luckily my group buddies were looking out for me - Otherwise, I would have missed the whole class.

I'm never going to live this one down.


Thursday, September 23, 2004

Listening for delivery, not content.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well today. I can't believe it's Thursday already.

I had volunteered to go into work tomorrow to attend a vendor meeting. Now that I've been off work for so long, I secretly didn't want to go. But all turned out well, because it turns out that I don't need to go in after all.

Dodged a bullet.

So I had forgotten to share my guilty pleasure while shopping at Target the other day. I was cruising the aisles when I overhead a couple talking - the woman had the coveted British accent.


I even marvelled at the way she said how something was on sale for only "nine ninety-nine."

So of course, I had to linger a little and listen to their accents. Taking some extra time to look at random things, like towels or something (to be honest, I don't really remember what I was looking at - not important at the time). Come to think of it, I don't really remember what they were talking about either.

Love the accent.


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

2 chords.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening...

Today I got the last few bits of my administrative shite done. I went to the bank and shipped off something to my brother.

And that's that.

I think I'm done, for now.

So in a unexpected surprise, my mom was looking for something and found the long lost, we thought it was sold at a garage sale, acoustic guitar in the basement. We've had this thing for as long as I can remember. It's always occupied the topmost position (i.e., on top of other stuff).

Soo, I decided to move my "pick up guitar after school ends" dream and start a little bit earlier.

Now I can play any song for you by request.

As long as the song just involves a D major and / or a G major chord.

Seriously, just getting my left hand into the G Major chord was kind of difficult. Plus my fingers are numb. They've gotten soft since I stopped playing violin 13 or 14 years ago :)

So far, I like playing aruond on the guitar. I like the sound of it. Plus it's fun when a weird and awkward feeling hand gesture can make a nifty sound.


Petals around the rose.

This is something my brother tortured me with for an hour or so (maybe more, I don't remember).

Play this puzzle game, Petals around the rose - Note: to stop the cheese-o-rama music, click the "Stop" button on the toolbar (on IE it's next to the refresh button).

I generally suck at these brain teaser things, so it took me a little while last night, and then I figured it out this morning...


Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Ding! Computer's done.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening. Another day has come and gone. It's Tuesday right? One week left before school starts up...

So this morning, I had some drywall work done at the city home. I was thoroughly impressed. The dude showed up pretty much at 8:00 a.m. (well within Michigan time). He was done fairly quickly and did a really nice job.

So after setting everything back up (I had to move stuff and cover everything up with a drop cloth) life returned to normal.

But all was not normal - I actually read a book today! It's the first time in years (seriously). The last time I read for pleasure was when I was travelling in North Carolina working at a client site (maybe 2002-ish?)

So I still can read... Just like riding a bicycle.

And, just like the UPS site promised, I got my cables today! And my 4 blue LED fan :) So my mom's machine is officially done. I had special ordered these round braided copper IDE and floppy drive cables (which theoretically were to complement the bronze case) - I know, I'm probably getting a little too artsy, but I thought it would look cool. And I think it does, for the most part. The blue LED fan is pretty nifty too. I installed it in the back of the case. The fan casts a gentle blue light on the wall behind the computer case, giving it an "aura."

I didn't get a blingy fan for my own machine, but I made sure to get some swank stainless steel braided round cables :)

I also tried calling the bookstore today, but got the shaft - nobody picked up the phone. So I ended up paying them a visit.

They had my book.

Woo hoo! Now I just have to wait for my order to come in for my other book...

If it ever ships.


Monday, September 20, 2004

Nerd in Gap's clothing.

OK ok, so I admit it - I'm still nerdy to a certain extent. Not Star Wars or Star Trek nerdy, but say, quasi nerdy. The margarine of nerdy. The Diet... you get the picture.

I've been obsessing over getting my books for class next week. But the bookstore's been stingy on having the books available.

I want to get them early not to look at or study, but just to have them. So I can sleep at night knowing that I have the books I need for class next week.

I just don't like to scramble on the day of class.


La biblioteca.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this afternoon. Another beautiful day in the neighborhood, as Mister Rogers used to say.

So this morning I went somewhere that I've not been in what seems like years. The public library. I went looking for travel books on Florida (in preparation for Nov.) I figured since there was plenty of time, I'd poke around to see what to do just in case the beach got old or we got bored, whichever comes first.

I had forgotten how much fun it was just to browse through the stacks of books. And now, they have books on CD!

I've always been afraid of books on tape, because my car stereo eats the tapes. (which is why I never use it anymore) Plus, I don't know if any of the other cassette players in the house actually work because they've never been used. Seriously - I think one of the tape decks in my bookshelf stereo has neverbeen used. The time that it was used was because John wanted to record the audio stream of the concert DVD we were watching - that's how momentous it was.

I've had that bookshelf system for at least 5 years now.

The stereo was my 2:00 a.m. impulse purchase during finals week when I should have been studying or writing a paper. I tellya, the best stuff comes along during finals week.


So back to my library experience. I think I could totally spend tons of time there - Just looking through magazines.

So I ended up leaving the library with 2 Florida travel books, a book on etiquette, 3 audio CDs, and 1 book on tape.


Now if I get really crazy, I'll actually start reading ;)


Sunday, September 19, 2004

Cable tie crazy.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well on this very perfect weekend. The sun's out, it's warm, and there's a gentle breeze.

I've not been doing much this past week. Just the usual, realizing how much extra time I have with no school :)

9 more months to go.

Alas, I blew the 4.0 this semester. But that's ok. Pesky A-. Database kicked my arse this time (as predicted).

So what have I been doing? Since I wrote last time, I've been building a new (to her) computer for my mom. Mark sent me parts of his old machine (parts is parts) so I Frankensteined a machine together and put it in a swanky case. I'm still waiting for some cables that I ordered, but the machine works well so far and I'm pretty happy with it.

But it led me to becoming obsessed with those cable zip ties. And cable management - After seeing a few cases at the computer store that were meticulously constructed, complete with cable ties and wire loom around the cables, I was inspired to do the same thing with this machine. I didn't go overboard, but I spent a good long time tying excess cables up and figuring out how to route them to look as clean as possible.

I think I did allright - It's not show quality (and UV reactive, heh), but I'm happy with how it turned out - considering it's all "under the hood" anyway. But for me it's all about personal satisfaction.

I know inside that it's super clean and air can freely move around the case for maximum cooling :)

I could really see myself going overboard and doing the lucite clear case with extra neon, steel braided cables, and power supply with the mirror finish :)

So I've started to do cable ties and routing of cables around the house too - I was busy rerouting cables for the speakers in the kitchen today. Complete with cable ties - no wire loom though :)

Cable ties are my favorite.

I finally got a chance to watch Lost in Translation in about 4 sittings. I was watching it off an on while installing software and doing computer stuff.

I think it was a good movie. But I will probably have to watch the movie again sometime - Just to make sure that I pieced everything together. But man, Scarlett Johansson is a real hottie.


Thursday, September 16, 2004

Compound this.

Back in tha day (probably elementary school-ish) they taught us about compound interest:

How it was sooo cool:
- How you calculate interest on your bank balance
- How the interest that you earned would be added to your principal
- And then you'd earn interest on the combined amount.

And theoretically the money would grow and grow...

If only they could see me now - With my $0.53 of interest for this month.

Fear me.


Commercial sandwiches.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening. It's been almost one whole week of school freedom and like usual, I have nothing to show for it.


I have been loving just coming home and hanging out. I can't complain about that.

So is it just me, or are prime time commercials getting longer, and sitcom episode segments getting shorter? It was even supersized today!

I saw the second episode of Joey tonight. I'm no critic, but I think it'll do well. It may not be as popular as Friends (only time will tell), but I think it's got a pretty good start.

And another thing - is it just me, or does the recent Toyota commercial (where they talk about how their cars get howevermany miles per gallon) background music sound very similar to hook in Nelly's Ride Wit Me? It's like the, uhh, suburbanized version of the tune (without the lyrics).

If you have the album track, listen to the beginning of it.
If you hear the commercial, pay attention to the background music :)

Must be the money. ;)


Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Adventures at Costco.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

The odd weather has brought the summer weather into fall. The mild summer has turned into a not so mild fall. It's been on the warmer side and pretty high on the humidity. Not my favorite, but I'm sure it'll get cool pretty soon, so I know I should enjoy it while I can.

Today was my first Costco trip in what has seemed like months.

Even though I like to go on weekdays (cause there's less people), there's usually a line for the checkout. That's when I take time out to scope what other people have in their cart, and guess what they do with their purchases.

The easy ones to spot are the people that have restaurants. Otherwise, I can't imagine what people need with six 1 gallon jugs of olive oil, and huge packs of multi-sticks of butter.

Today, there were these two ladies that bought some peculiar things:

- About 20 pairs of fleece gloves
- About 6 outdoorsy heavy duty flannel shirts
- A dozen double packs of lotion
- 12 tubes of toothpaste
- 12 bottles of shampoo
- 12 bottles of conditioner
- About 6 three packs of socks that looked like slippers

I couldn't tell what else they bought, but whatever it was, they had a lot - It came out to about 800 dollars (before tax)

That's a lot of stuff in one trip :)

Anyway, so we had a fourth of what they had. And that was plenty for me.

I was a little disappointed in the Costco experience today - They no longer have some of the stuff that I usually buy.


Next week is vacation - For the whole week. Unforutnately, I don't think it's going to be a clean break. I still have a ton to do for the next two days. I hope I can finish everything...


Sunday, September 12, 2004

Lazy Sunday.

Hi all,

Hope you're having a great weekend.

I've been pretty lazy this whole time. It feels nice.

Yesterday I paid a visit to Steve and E at their new house in E. Lansing - It was very nice - Everything still had that new construction gleam to it. I'm sure once they get settled in they'll be very happy there.

The drive out there really wiped me out - I was feeling sleepy around 10:30 last night - I managed to stay up until 11:30 or so. And I even slept until 9:00 this morning!

So yesterday after lunch we drove around and ended up going to one of the parks by their house that just so happened to be on the lake. So I got a taste of what I thought Florida would be like if I had actually gone.

Just without all the wind.

It was nice to be around the lake. The weather was absolutely perfect. A nice end to the visit. Of course, I had to go wading in the water. :)

The beach wasn't busy at all - There were quite a few jetskis and boats out, so it was nice to see people having fun on the lake. There were sailboats too - Made me want to give it a try sometime.

Maybe next summer.

I like seeing kids play in the sand - It reminds me of how life should be. Not sitting in front of a computer, not indoors playing Playstation. It's also very nice to see families hanging out together.

Such innocence.

I think I need to make more of an effort to enjoy the things in life that don't need to be plugged in.

Of course, there were moments of not-really innocent as well. (shrug) There was a couple getting quite familiar with each other on the lawn - I felt bad for the other young lady who was laying down on the same towel next to them.

That's friendship for you, I guess.

On Friday we were talking at work about vacations - How each person has a little different idea of what's the best way to travel.

Here were the two extremes:
- One person liked to vacation in a very posh way - First class all the way
- Someone else liked to spend money on stuff other than vacations (e.g., toys)

It's interesting to hear the different points of view. I'm all about the value though :) Everyone at work is in a different stage of life though - So maybe age has something to do with it. Family too.


Saturday, September 11, 2004

To be continued...

Hi all,

Hope you're having a great weekend so far (it's still fairly early).

So the Florida trip has been postponed until the first weekend of November. Which isn't so bad, because we should be well on our way to cooler weather in Michigan, and going to Florida would be a nice break

Best of all, hurricane season will be way over.

The people at Northwest have been really cool - Their service people that answer their reservations line were really nice the both times I called. They are located in Tampa - and they were really tired of evacuating.

It's hard to be too hung up on your vacation plans being cancelled when you're talking to people that have been feeling the effects of the hurricane themselves.

At least I had a choice of not being there.

It takes those "if you were" questions to a whole new level - you know, the ones that start, "if you were stuck on a desert island and you could only take one thing..."

So now we just need to book a hotel...


Thursday, September 09, 2004

Like a kid starting summer vacation - But in the fall.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well today.

I just finshed my classwork for the semester. I had my final for my database class yesterday, and I just submitted my essay and labs for my online class.

So I'm done! For 2 weeks! Woopee!

So now what? ;)

I'm going to Disneyworld! Just kidding. But we are trying to get to the state though.

Ahh, the trip to Florida. This will surely be a trip that Geneman and I will never forget. And we haven't even left yet!

This whole tropical storm thing is starting to get on my nerves.

I've looked at this map quite a few times today. And I will probably continue to do so all throughout tomorrow as well. Tomorrow is the actual go / no-go date (it's pretty much the last day before we leave).

Come on, Mother Nature. Cut me a break. Hook me up.

According to the trusty map, good ol' Ivan should be rolling in while we're trying to get the hell out of dodge on Monday - So there's a change that we may be stuck in Florida on our way back.


I've been advised not to go - But in my stubborn way, I really want to go. Not because I've been strongly recommended not to go - More because I've had my heart set on going for the last 3 weeks. I've been looking so foward to this trip. That's what's been getting me through the days. And those neverending meetings.

I want to feel the sand under my feet and rub it between my toes.
I want to hear the rolling waves.
I want to smell the sea.
I want to see everything.


I called the hotel and the airlines today to find out what the dilly was. Northwest won't issue any weather waivers for our destination until the last minute, and I got the lowdown on the evacuation procedures for our hotel.

Just lovely.

I guess I'm more in it for the adventure now - For the uncertainty, I think. Besides, it'll make for good stories when I'm hanging out with my friends.


Tuesday, September 07, 2004

You would feel heavy too, if you had 2 double A's in your butt.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening. It's nice and cool again! Love it.

Yesterday I finally got to spend some quality car care time with the supafly ride - I did the 2 step wax process. And today, after driving it out of the garage (and getting out to get the paper), both times I had to stop and admire. I had forgotten how much of a difference a good coat of wax can do for a car.

Especially the 2 step wax.

So let's see, what's been going on.

Somehow, my brother has infected me with computer mouse mania. I was perfectly fine with my Optical Mouse Blue. Perfectly fine. So then he regales me with stories about his mouse adventures. How he's purchased probably like 10 (ok, maybe more like 5 or 6) in search of the perfect mouse for gaming or some other geeky type of activities.

Not that I'm a gamer :)

Anyway, so in my typical "thrifty" fashion, I just shake my head and just let him go on his journey auditioning the mice like they're on American Idol.

So the first one's always free.

Yup. He sends me one of the disqualified applicants: The 4th generation IntelliMouse Explorer - apparently it was not up to his stringent specifications.

So I get this thing and it's rather large (the mouse). I'm not one to overcompensate, but seriously, I think I'm going to get carpal tunnel just from using this thing. Of course, after a little adjustment, it's fine. As a sidenote, I've been using the 1st generation Explorer for many years (since people at work bought it for me back in the dot com days). In fact, I still use one at work.

OK, so all's well in mouseland, right?

So then my brother ventures off into the next level:


Again. I'm thinking - what do you need a cordless mouse for? I didn't see the value add until someone in my group (in the other building) had one. There it was. Just a mouse, but no tail.


I think my brother went through a few renditions of his own with cordless mice - He's got the best one that's rated by gamers or something like that.

So of course, I had to get one. The moral of the story is, I finally broke down and bought one a couple of weeks ago - And I just got it today (it had been on backorder).

I am now the proud owner of a Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer.

Again, a little change. It's heavier (hence the first line of the blog entry), but it is just as advertised. Works like a dream.

My only complaint so far is that they're taking away all of the bling - No more visible red light in the butt. Nor does the whole bottom light up (like the first optical mice did).

Apparently, the sensor light goes off after a while. But similar to a refrigerator light, you never really know that it goes off. You just have to trust.

Trust is key.

OK, so that's it. No more mice for me.

Until the next time... Because you know what's next - Lasers.


Back to work.

Hi all,

Sad, but true. The long weekend is over. It was great while it lasted. But alas. Tomorrow it's back to the machine.

The silver lining...

We leave for Florida in less than a week!

Again, keeping fingers crossed (and wouldn't mind some help from everyone else either).

On the home stretch of school too. One week left. I just have one final exam, a lab writeup, and a 2 page essay quiz. After that I'll be a free man.

For two weeks.

Nonetheless, I will live those 2 weeks to it's fullest. Or at least try to. After that, it'll be about 9 months left of my program.


Monday, September 06, 2004

Voicemail from the Pres.

Wow, I feel special. The President of the United States took time out of his busy schedule to leave me a voicemail. Encouraging me to vote.

Or something like that.

What a guy. You can all be jealous. ;)


P.S. When he sends out those messages, does he have to follow the do not call registry?

Saturday, September 04, 2004

6 hours of shopping - And all I got was one shirt.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

Today my mom, dad, and piled into the soccer mom mobile and went out to the outlet mall about an hour or so away. Everyone and their brother was going up north (along with construction) added a little to the time, but wasn't too terribly painful.

Total time shopping including travel time had to be around 6 hours. And all I bought was one shirt.

Good for the wallet I guess.

It was not the optimal day for an outdoor mall shopping experience - It was a tad hot and humid, and there were quite a few people around so it made parking and getting around more difficult than normal.

Oh well, what can ya do, right?

I am enjoying my first day of freedom in a while. I'm going to take the day off tomorrow as well. Come Monday, I'll be studying for my database class final...



Friday, September 03, 2004

Mental smoke breaks.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

I am so ready for this long weekend. I was starting to get loopy at work - One of my coworkers called me out on it too. It was quite funny.

Work was really really quiet today. Too quiet. Again, it reminds me how much you need to value your coworkers. I never realized how many chat breaks I took (which breaks up the day) - Until today, when I had pretty much none.

Time slowed to a crawl.

It reminded me of back in tha day when I was an intern at another large company (back in grad school) and I worked in an office where I didn't really talk to anyone. There weren't that many people around, and none of them were my age. It was pretty rough at times.

So even though the office was pretty much empty, I was a good corporate citizen and continued to keep the machinery of the man turning.

Brian's boss called me on the phone today at 4:30 - I didn't recognize the caller ID, and I was really surprised to get a call. When I answered it, I heard, "what are you still doing there?"

I didn't know how to respond. :)

I guess she figured I didn't recognize her voice, so when she said who she was, it made sense.

So she told me to go home...

woo hoo! Got home about 30 mins early - It may not sound like a big deal, but I didn't have to be told twice. I was outtathere.

So, I came home, ate dinner, and became a good school citizen. I spent 3 hours editing our final case study paper for one of my classes. I can't wait to get that thing kicked off - It'll be one less thing to worry about while I daydream and think about vacation.

Which leads me to an interesting conundrum. Plug or unplug? Laptop or no laptop for the Florida trip? Hmm. Mark said to bring it. Geneman is electing not to. I kind of want to bring the laptop for my short attention span, but I'm not that crazy about lugging it around and keeping it in the hotel room when we're out and about.


The thing is, I bought an extra battery for my laptop too.

I guess my mp3 player will be fine. But I have visions of surfing on the net at the airport and watching movies on the plane too... Maybe playing some games or working a little on the webpage...

Oh well, I guess I still have time to mull it over.

Which, by the way, vacation is 1 week away! With all this craziness about the hurricane, I'm a little worried - But I'm sure Geneman and I will have fun anyway.

We'll make it fun. Somehow.

So about the line at the top - I don't smoke. But I like to take breaks throughout the day to look out the window - I know, it's a kind of torture for me to be stuck inside while it's so nice out. But I enjoy it. I like to look at the cars in the parking lot, cars driving by, people walking around, and I can see my car too :)

But I figure, people that smoke take smoke breaks right? What about the people that don't smoke? Well, I like to take smoke breaks too - just without the smoking part :)

Those are my staring out the window breaks.


Thursday, September 02, 2004

10:30 lights out.

Hi all,

Hope you're doing well this evening.

For the first time in who knows how long, I fell asleep way before 11 p.m.. Like probably 10:30 or 10:45 ish. How do I know? I was fading fast once the 2nd Sex in the City episode started. I had seen the episode before so maybe that added to it - But I was zoning in and out - Trouble with Big, Miranda and some guy... Whatever.

And then that's it - I had to shut off the tv and I was out - Pretty much until this morning. I slept with the remote control in the bed. That's how tired I was.

In fact now, it's almost 11:30 p.m. and I'm feeling sleepy already. I wonder if I'm sick or something.

so yeah, I wasn't online nor did I get a chance to check e-mail at all last night. It was a record.

So yesterday I was working at the other building - and when I was leaving for the day, I saw it - What I've always joked about doing.

There was a car in the parking lot with a car cover on it.

And no, I'm not making it up - For real. There was a car, parked in the 2nd spot of the row, with a car cover on it (the cover wasn't locked or anything, just over the car.

That person is my hero.

Not only does that person get to work at some crizzazy early hour of the day, he or she carries around a car cover to put on.

You are my idol.

That is taking care care to a whole new level. I wished I had a camera :)

I tried to identify what car it was, but I couldn't - I was in a hurry (I had class yesterday), and I didn't want to lift up the side of the cover like some pervert looking up some lady's skirt :)

I was good.
