Hi all,
How's it going? Hope your evening's going groovy.
This evening was a very relaxing one (for the most part). A little bit after dinner, I took a shower and watched TV until 10 p.m. (about now). I thought I'd write a few things before I went to sleep.
It was definitely an
NBC night. I saw my first full episode of
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and
Miss Match.
QEFtSG was ok. I had seen parts of another episode (I think they showed one during Must See TV or something like that during the summer), so I finally got to see a regular episode, I guess. That is, provided that the episode I saw is a good sample of how the other shows are ;) The show is quite action packed - there's so much going on at all times. It looks like fun though.
Miss Match was pretty good. I was originally going to watch Boston Public, but Fox was showing sports instead. I had been told that MM was a good show, but I figured I'd catch it sometime later - I was contemplating watching MM instead of BP, but when I saw that Fox wasn't showing BP, the choice was made easy :) Wow, that came out a ton more wordy than when I thought about it in my head.
Anyway, about MM - I liked how it had characters that were a little bit more "real" (as real as TV characters can be). All characters were good looking (this is TV, after all) but each had his or her insecurities, so nobody was perfect.
Plus, Alicia Silverstone is still a hottie.
I'll probably catch it next week (or record it at least). I think I may have fallen off the Boston Public bus. Ever sine the network swapped the time slot, I've only caught the show once ever since the premiere however many weeks ago.
OK OK, so enough TV talk.
So we had a pretty interesting day today. None of the big bosses were around, right? So in the typical "rats playing" fashion, we took an extended lunch and had quite the good time. We had reservations for the restaurant's outdoor seating, so everything was perfect - well except for the wasps, but I guess they come with the territory if you eat outside).
For that hour and a half, all work talk was banned. Even people that made referencees to work were called out :) Needless to say, when we're not talking about work, we have one hell of a good time.
So just a social note - A Miss Manners by Kirk thing: If someone is bold enough to ask how old you are (and you answer) the questionee should be entitled to asking the same question to the questioner and get a response. This didn't happen to me directly, but it happened at the table today.
We were talking about technology and whatnot during lunch. For us young'uns, we usually get blasted for having patchy knowledge about whatever it is our counterparts are talking about. Of course, then the conversation goes to ranking everyone by age. One lady asks another, (politely) how old she was. After giving up this seemingly clandestine piece of info, the questioner didn't divulge her age. Maybe it was because we were all there (even though the questioner asked the questionee her question in front of all of us). But hey, I say if you're going to ask, you better be willing to give it up too :)
I know age is a touchy subject, but I think expecting people to reciprocate is fair. Maybe you could prequalify the response of the age question by saying, "Sure, I'll tell you how old I am, but you have to tell me how old you are." That would probably level the playing field. Mentally noted :)
So now starts the long weekend. No real plans, but I'm sure I'll figure out something to do :)